Archive for the ‘Managing Conflits’ Category

Attitude – Life changing – If you want!

Why is attitude so important in our lives?

I have passed the last months talking with friends about how attitude can change and even improve your live.

I remember seeing a short film, if we can call it like that, where the message was behaviour changes behaviour, during a long time I didn’t understand quite well this message and even supposed it was not very clear how it was possible to make others improve just by taking in consideration my one behaviour, them, my world map suffer a huge discovery 🙂 

I just realized that the change of behaviour/attitude should not be for others it should be especially for me, for my auto preservation and even for my wellbeing and that if I accepted to change, to evolve the biggest beneficiary it would be me.
Find my 2nd discovery

Conflict Solving Games / Jogos de Gestão de Conflitos

Gerir conflitos pode ser uma das tarefas mais antigas e dificieis que a Humanidade tem de enfrentar todos os dias.

Afinal o que é isto? Como se processa? O que temos de fazer para que seja mais fácil e menos doloroso?
Se calhar parar de falar, respirar fundo, contar até 10 e ouvir o Outro – ter uma Escuta Ativa.
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