Archive for September, 2014

Happiness is a choise!


Assertiveness in people – is it an utopia or a reality?

Keep things in perspective, being able to know yourself and at the same time deal with others in an assertive way is never easy, but you can do it! 🙂

As a suggestion start by looking to yourself and find out which are the aspects that make people want to be your friend, work with you, be near you and even why people listen to what you have to say and value your opinion – just make a list…
I dare you to keep reading!

How Good is Your Problem Solving?

Problem Solving – something that is requested more and more by any company to their Teams.

And what is exactly “Problem Solving”? Some may ask…

Check this web site and take a look on how good you are on it.

Mind Tools –


MUDANÇA – Que presente! / CHANGE – What a gift!

“Muda a forma como vês as coisas e as coisas que vês irão mudar”


Atreve-te! Salta! / Make the Jump!

Cada vez que enfrentamos um desafio temos de decidir o que fazer.
E se em vez de ficarmos aqui, apenas à espera seguíssemos adiante e lutássemos pelos nossos sonhos?
Chega de esperar e de pensar “Eu não consigo fazer isto, é demasiado para mim” – Não fiques ou sintas derrotado mesmo ainda antes de começares a luta – apenas precisas de uma boa dose de: clica e descobre!

Life… it’s so easy, why complicate it?


Visite a nossa página no facebook! / Our page in facebook!


Este maravilhoso projecto já existe via Facebook há algum tempo, visite a nossa página e descobra outras coisas bem interessantes 🙂
Venha daí!!!/alquimiadoserfeliz
This wonderful project is already part of Facebook from some time now. Check out our Facebook page and find other things that may be very useful 🙂
Come on!!!/alquimiadoserfeliz